A local spot cooler, this lightweight model is built to cool any small indoor space, such as a small bedroom, office, child’s play room or dining area. The unit is compact and easily portable for personal evaporative cooling. With its low noise level, it’s perfect to use in bedrooms at night. Choose from three speeds for custom cooling.
Operating at a whisper-quiet 25 dB in QuietSleep mode and blasting air out at 359 m³/hr in TurboBlast mode, the ES800 is powerful for a compact spot cooler.
Additional unique feature includes an ionizer that helps to reduce particles in the air, thus promoting cleaner air quality. Important: Evaporative air coolers perform best in hot/dry climates where relative humidity levels are less than 60%. Room environment conditions such as sunlight and amount of cross ventilation will affect the cooling efficiency.
- 3-in-1 Evaporative Cooling, Fan and Humidification
- Ideal for targeted spot cooling of small areas such as bed, desk, sofa and dining table areas
- Carbon Dust Filter washes under a faucet for easy maintenance - No replacement filters needed
Haihtuva ilmanjäähdytin EI OLE ilmastointilaite tai sumutuuletin.
Ajattele viileää, raikasta tuulta, joka puhaltaa sisään merestä. Se on haihtuvaa jäähdytystä.
Ilmajäähdyttimemme käyttävät samaa prosessia kotisi jäähdyttämiseen. Ohjaamalla kuumaa ilmaa kostean jäähdytystyynyn läpi Air Cooler alentaa ilman lämpötilaa. Sitten se puhaltaa tätä raikasta, viileää ilmaa sinulle tuulettimen kautta.