I bought one of these back in 2017 and I recently bought another one since my older one has started spitting water from mineral build-up over the years plus it is a little beat up from frequent moving...
I bought one of these back in 2017 and I recently bought another one since my older one has started spitting water from mineral build-up over the years plus it is a little beat up from frequent moving around and heavy-duty use. Don't expect this unit to last forever, but we got a great 6 years of very HEAVY use out of it with very few complaints. Buy some good liquid algaecide to keep the tank from growing pond scum. Also, keep 2 or 3 cleaned out milk 1-gallon containers of water chilling in the fridge at all times if you want it to work efficiently. You may even want to buy a small countertop ice maker, so you don't have to buy ice but if you have a silicone baker's pan for mini quick bread loaves, that is the perfect size bar of ice for this machine. Just freeze them up and put them in bags. You want that ice to be harder than the kind you get from a countertop machine these days. We stick with the ice mini-loaves we make in our freezer. 6 to 8 bars really amp up the cooling if you begin with very cold water from the fridge. It takes 3 cold gallons to fill the thing up first time and remember to add the algaecide after the first gallon so the next 2 gallons you pour in the side opening will mix it around well.Mind you, a window unit AC is always the best option but in my new Condo, we aren't allowed to install them, so I am leaning back on this Honeywell, which has served me so well in the past. Adding ice to the ice compartment in addition to using ice-cold water really helps. We do have central AC, but the building isn't good at maintaining it, so we use this unit a lot. It keeps us comfortable when we need it, but we'd need a second one if the Central AC is still broken come summer.UPDATE Jan 26th'20223: Our buildings AC has been borked since Thanksgiving and this unit has saved my sanity! I am so glad we bought the new one. I was able to clean up the old one tolerably well, so it doesn't spit water, using one of the CLR formulas, but the new one was already in use. We'll save the old one for a friend in need this summer. If you aren't allowed window units, this might be right for you. Read on.If you want this Unit to cool the bedroom before sleeping, make sure to aim the back of the machine OUT the door because you cannot create cold without creating some heat, even with an Evaporative Cooler like this one. This machine has kept us tolerably cool even with 3 large southern facing windows. Thermal curtains can only do so much. On days of extreme humidity, the machine will not work as well as it does when the humidity is lower than 50% but by using cold water and ice, it takes the edge off enough that you aren't snapping at your spouse! Be prepared to make your own ice as I described because storebought ice is too expensive to make this Unit a lower cost option. Also, store-bought ice is usually crushed or has hollow centers which makes it melt super-fast. The method I describe above saves you about $8 to 14 a day in ice purchases.This thing has wheels and can be easily moved from room to room, which is very helpful. Make sure you keep the screens clean. I use a small brass brush such as you would use to clean suede shoes. Just don't brush too hard. Be sure to add the recommended amount of liquid algaecide each time you fill or refill the tank with cold water because otherwise algae will FORM in the tank. That's a very yuck thing to have to clean. Use the Algaecide every time you fill it up and when you aren't using it, drain the water out in the bathtub or shower and let it dry out to prevent algae build up. I needed to give the tank a good clean every other month when I was using it every day and night but once I learned to add the algaecide with every tank-up and every time I added a gallon of water, I only had to clean it twice a season.Remember, it WILL raise the humidity in the room where you use it. If you are already in a humid environment, this may not be the best choice for you. We are in Los Angeles and so that is not much of a problem. Still, don't use it in a room with fine art on the walls or textile wall hangings made of wool. We did that once and damp wool STINKS. We just moved the wall hanging to another room and stored the art in a humidity-controlled storage unit. It could ruin posters, paper, fine books etc., with constant use. They don't call these things "swamp coolers" for nuthin' LOL.I don't recommend adding any essential oils or fragrance to the water because this is a MACHINE, and you will never get that stuff out of the working parts. Also, you don't want anything other than the water and/or approved algaecides or hard water build-up preventatives in your tank. Keep it simple. If you want scent, get one of those wax warmers that you can plug in. I've done the candle routine and it stains your ceiling with soot as bad as a fireplace. Wax melts make better sense. Just don't put any fragrance in the tank! It is tempting but ultimately very unwise.As I mentioned before, try to aim the exhaust out a door to another room so you don't waste electricity by warming AND cooling the room.FYI: I checked my past orders, and we used this product to combat bacteria and algae: BestAir 3BT Original Humidifier Bacteriostatic Water Treatment. You can also find a good hard water treatment to add that prevents lime scale build-up. A six-pack of that Bestair stuff should last you the life of the evaporative cooler or at least a year if you use it as much as we did.Remember, if you can get a unit that works like a real AC and have a place to vent the heat out a window, DO IT. if not, this is your next best option.
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